Hand knotted and woven Tribal pieces which were part of a way of life are fast disappearing. Opium bags, a long thin small bag enough to carry a pipe in. Salt bags narrow at the top to stop the animals from getting inside. Grain bags that would hang off the camel or donkey carrying grain and double as a cushion. Saddlebags a double bags that would hang over both sides, often the pile would be in opposite directions to ensure when it hung over the animal the pile would always go down to look its best. Mainly the bags would have pile decorative fronts, an element of flat weave where the breaks for closing the bag existed, and a kilim back, sometimes with reinforced pile bottom corners. The finer the weave the more intricate the design the higher the skill of the weaver and more value to the bag. Soffreh, if approximately 1 m square these were bread making cloths and if long and narrow an eating cloth. Gidgim, a strip weave blanket, Tent bands were literally used to tie the yurt together once erected.